Monday, September 12, 2022

Reading some wonderful books these days!

Dangerous Beauty written by Melissa Koslin 
delves into the horrible topic of human slavery...
Melissa approaches this topic carefully and yet, realistically.
The book is written from the point of view of the main characters...
Liliana, who was abducted and about to be sold into sexual slavery...
and Meric, who happened upon her just in time to offer rescue...
 Melissa does a wonderful job showing how God is present in our lives even in the midst of the evils in our world...
As the book unfolds we learn more about Liliana and Meric's lives, 
including how he became aware of sex- trafficing...
The ending was a complete surprise to me... and 
also wrapped up all the questions I had as I read the book!
Note: I was given a copy of this book from the publisher for review purposes.
ALL opinions are my own.
And my opinion is - if you enjoy books that tackle tough subjects... and also include some action, mystery, and love... 
then this book is for you!

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