Monday, August 22, 2022



* Bible Study started back after a mid-summer break! We're doing Genesis, verse-by-verse...
* Enjoyed a scrapbook evening @ Nicole's [seriously love that she has a studio large enough for us to join in crops and classes throughout the month. ]
* The toenail finally fell off... but it's fine... everything's fine... It's. All. Fine.. .  [There's a new one underneath.]
* Caught up with a special friend I've not seen in 40 years  (Go Cougars!!) with a 2 hour zoom chat... I LOVED being able to pick up like we'd just talked last week!
* We went Biergarten at the space center with some of our kiddos ... food was oKAY...atmosphere was fun, but a little loud for the catch-up visiting I wanted to do...
* Had lunch with friends, HSV restaurant week with other friends, and met some more friends at a concert up in Tennessee...[Yay for being covid negative.]
* Early a.m. walk at our botanical gardens, yoga, + treadmill walking...feeling a bit more confident in time and distance...
* And happy anniversary to us...we've got a trip planned to celebrate [- of course we do.]

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