Is this a practice you keep?
I've done this [with a few exceptions] yearly since 2008 - wow -
It's kinda neat to look back and see how I 'grew' through 'my' word each year...
So this year my word is LOOK -
Look /lo͝ok/
Verb verb:
look; 3rd person present: looks; past tense: looked; past participle: looked;
gerund or present participle: looking
direct one's gaze toward someone or something or in a specified
"people were looking at him"
glance-gaze-stare-gape-peer-fix one's gaze-focus-peep-peek-take a look-watch-examine-study-inspect-scan-scrutinize-survey-check-contemplate-consider-see-observe-view-regard-pay
-attention to-take note of-mark-check out-glimpse-spot-lay one's eyes on-catch
sight of-eye-take in-
LOOK - as in watching for the opportunities God gives me to share His love...
and show His greatness... and mercy... and peace...
I hope to have this scripture guide me...
As I've settled into retirement, I've just realized how very [very] blessed I feel and I since I'm no longer rushing from job assignment to job assignment I have the ability to take the time to LOOK and really see how I might be able to bless others that I come in contact with throughout my days...
This is what the Lord has impressed upon my heart for 2022.
Love this poem that Monte Sano Methodist posted a few days back...
When the song of the angels is stilled,
When the star in the sky is gone,
When the kings and the princes are home,
When the shepherds are back with their flocks,
The work of Christmas begins:
To find the lost,
To heal the broken,
To feed the hungry,
To release the prisoner,
To rebuild the nations,
To bring peace among people,
To make music in the heart.
Howard Thurman
I hope I can LOOK and see the small and big ways that
God can use me throughout this coming year!
Happy 2022, y'all!
It may not look like we envisioned things back in the day -
but it can still be good!
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