Thursday, January 6, 2022

I loved going into the wilds of Alaska

 as I got to know Echo and her father - and some of the other homesteaders 
and townspeople in their area of Alaska. 
Susan May Warren pulled me into the story quickly and that's what I love about a good fiction book like this - I can read it and become so immersed that I feel like I'm there with them... almost. 
[Because, honestly? I have no real desire to live in Alaska -]
I came away with admiration for anyone who lives there for any length of time...
 Echo, Dodge and the supporting characters were complex and well developed and pulled me right in to each of their stories... 
And I love a good ending!
And yet, this book left me wanting to know more about their family and friends. 
- I'm already looking forward to the next book! 
Note: I was given a copy of this book from the publisher for review purposes - 
ALL opinions are my own.

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