for a monthly re-cap once again?
Note: I do these for a couple of reasons - I want the highlights preserved so I can find them when scrapbooking [ ha] ... and I want to document that I'm actually accomplishing some things in these days that flow one into .
Time can surely get away from you when you have nothing to do - ha
[even when we stay busy... or especially so?]
April flew by, didn't it?
I LOVE spring
flowers in the South!
I know I say it over and over again - but it's true!
Something new is blooming every week, and I LOVE IT.
Note: we need to purchase a few new dogwoods this year as our 50+ years old
are not doing well these days... Age gets to all of us, right?
I cleaned the patio /
back flower bed area / yard...
Still have another big pile of brush to burn... again, old trees. y'all -
And they lose braches like I wish I could lose weight. ha.
April started with a wonderful Easter sunrise
service near our house where we could see the sun coming up over the mountain.
Just beautiful - plus [a BIG plus to me] they sang the Easter hymns I grew up singing!
Afterwards we came home and enjoyed a sweet, yummy breakfast with our youngins.
I love when we can all be together!
And things are looking more 'normal' every day!
We enjoyed outdoor worship with our church -
and it was wonderful to be back with a group of people who love The Lord.
[But it was sunny and HOT - so glad I had my umbrella in the car!]
Then we enjoyed a good lunch and fellowship with Craig's mother in The Shoals...
we're all vaccinated, so we ate INSIDE a restaurant... but it still felt weird...
I also attended one of my monthly prayer group's in-person meetings only to find that someone there was diagnosed positive the NEXT DAY [after a hospitalization they are doing well...] So I'm still being cautious... while I trust the vaccine, I don't want to inadvertantly pass this horrible virus on to someone else...
Craig and I enjoyed an outdoor concert where the seating was set up in pods...
It was a beautiful night to listen to some great music!
I attempted to make our traditional Easter cake for a family gathering and, oops. This new cake mix STUCK to the pan and came out in chunks... so it quickly became an Easter punch bowl cake by adding some bananas, crushed pineapple and whipped cream... yum.
And, Oh. My. Goodness.
I sooooooo enjoyed being together with sister, brother, and their families!
It's the first time we'd been [[ALL]] together since December 2019...
and it was wonderful.
I've decided it's time to 'up my game' on decorations for #AnnieLeetheArgosy
and I AM LOVING this step Craig built for us!
[Quite possibly my favorite project for the month!]
1 - It's soooo stable and comfortable to use... and
2 - [I think] it looks mighty good with the decor... whither it's a summer vibe...
Or the regular [kinda, sorta] mid-century look I'm going for...
And it's camping weather, y'all!
Still cool enough for a jacket and campfire!
We enjoyed a vintage camping rally at Honeycomb with friends...
- some of whom were very gracious to help Craig get our awning on...
And I love {{LOVE}} how we can take the bars off the camper and have them stand upright. When we use it that way the bar / arm is out of the way near the door...
so cool....
And kudos for Craig for always keeping an eye out for a good deal since these came off that camper that was headed to the scrap yard... Oh.My.
We also enjoyed a vintage rally that was sponsored by Reelfoot Lake State Park in TN that was fun to attend... such a beautiful park with a little seawall / sidewalk
right outside our camper door...
[Notice: camper arms are configured differently here: one with bar on camper, one standing straight = LOVE IT.]
And then we stopped off at Tishomingo State Park [in Mississippi] on the way home
and decided on a whim, to just stay over night....
I'm kinda loving this retirement gig...
And we really are enjoying our little retirement home we can take along with us!
[And I love internet connections, just sayin']
Later in the month we drove Craig's mother to her doctor's appointment in Nashville...
it was a beautiful day to be out and about...
and a good time to visit together!
We ended the month with our April birthday celebrations!
Sitting at a table ALL TOGETHER [outside] and it was just wonderful! In a couple of more weeks they will be post vax and we will all be comfortable enough to do it again!
So I leave you with this photo I took [with my cell phone] while traveling during the month -
I love the pop of red with the fields of green!
Spring is all about new life!
And my mama always said it reminded her of new life in Christ.
Thank goodness He is always there ready to forgive and help us begin anew again
[and again - yes He loves us so!]
Oops - maybe that should be in an 'He Speaks to Me' post... but it's true.
I hope you seek Him and KNOW Him.
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