is more about cleaning up our yard a bit than anything else...
and since that's really an on-going process I'll share some other things
that's been happening 'round these parts lately...
I love the spring blooms each year...
This little [??] bee is helping me make blueberries!
The real challenge is gathering them before the birds or other critters get them!
Here are a few of my favorite thrifty Easter finds from years past...
a vintage card in a frame... an egg wreath...
and an old ceramic bunny - could that be Peter Rabbit?
I planted a [very] small garden for the first time in years...
Had to cover it up during the recent cold snap...
And I'm happy to say it's all still growing...
Lettuce, radishes, beets, cabbage, and brussel sprouts here..
And onions and carrots in the cold frame
+ mums that stayed here over the winter...
My hostas also survived the recent cold temps.
And I feel so blessed to have a friend who shared some from her yard
The best thing about this was being able to sit down and have lunch together
for the first time in more than a year!
We have old trees in our yard [lots of them] and tend to gather the limbs, etc. that fall
into a pile or two throughout the winter... so I took one afternoon to burn one pile...
still have a bigger one to do...that'll be an all-day project since I don't like to leave it unattended...
when they come in at night they are completely tuckered out... ha.
Love that Dobby has decided this old Ty Bear is his and his alone...
I keep trying to get a video of him tossing it up and catching it....
Good practice for the chipmunk drill...
#naturaleradication is all I'm sayin'...
We've had some discussion about purchasing new dogwoods... we have three that are over 40 years old and at least one has bit [bitten -?] the dust....
We're discussing pink or red to add some color...
but I do love the white... so they will stay too...
Pro Tip: when you bake a cake that sticks to the pan and comes out in chunks,
you make a punch bowl cake - lol.
And it was GOOD.
FYI - it was supposed to look like our Easter cake from past years...
[This kinda, sorta, makes me want a white fridge again..ha.]
And lastly, just for fun - This hilarious photo was accidentally taken [duh.] when I was trying to take a selfie at our recent family gathering - but I love how tiny sister looks as she was walking up the little hill towards us... and how it looks like I'm looking right at
Moral: Behind the scenes photos are often the best....
And there's more to life than the pinterest perfect photos we so often see...
Life is good, y'all....
Even in the craziness of it all -
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