Monday, December 5, 2016

I can truly say the Decemebr festivities have begun!

I'm still on the fence a bit about doing a December Daily album because
1] I haven't even thought about how I might design it and 
2] I've not finished 30 Days of Thankfulness and 
3] well, TIME. 
I'm  so enjoying being present with my people this year.
But I've done one for the past I don't know how many years, so we'll see...
It just might happen.  
But that wasn't what I wanted to share today - 
This is - 
I had a great weekend, y'all.
FULL and BUSY, yes. 
But so, so good. 
Saturday I had the pleasure of teaching two groups of gals about some of the 
Joys of Bible Journaling. 
For many of them it was the first time they'd done anything like this - 
and I love [LOVE] seeing that ah-ha moment when they realize 
they REALLY CAN draw a little somethin' somethin'. 
I wish I'd taken a photo of every single piece of art that was created 
[we were ambitious and did three pages!]
[FYI - each one has been / will be shared during my advent posts.]
Every single one was just a bit a different [I love that!] and just so great! 
Much thanks to LifeWay- Huntsville for setting this day aside to 
focus on Christ's birth through our art! 
After a day full of classes I met a couple of friends for dinner before 
going over to see Christmas Now and Then. 
And while it wasn't quite what we'd expected , it was fun... 
or maybe I'd just had too much coffee. Ha. 
There were lots of performances of people / characters of TODAY...
And y'all know I love Frosty - lol. 
And shoot, Elmo too - HA.
There were many. many more characters on stage as well!
But the show also focused on Christ's birth too!
[Christmas then - and NOW too, I hope!]
All in all, a pretty fun evening.
Then Sunday we got up early for me to ice the cake I'd baked after getting in from Montgomery [for work] on Friday night [lol]  and headed to Birmingham for some family time!
 Loved being able to worship with my brother and his family. 
Loved MK's sweet prayer about being thankful for the good food, and not so good food.
LOVED how she just announced with no prompting..." Daddy, I'm so glad you get to enjoy Thanksgiving with your two sisters." [Yes we spread out the holidays - ] Then sweetly asked, 'Was that naughty or nice?" with a grin on her face. LOL.
LOVED how she jumped in to have a photo taken with her aunts 
[photos are so NOT her thing!]
It was a wonderful day.
I am blessed to have each one of these people in my life.
So NOW it's time to get all of the Thanksgiving put away - and do the annual attic clean out so I can get Christmas out. I'm thinking of going in a totally new direction for me... for simple with blues and whites... we'll see how it turns out...

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