Wednesday, January 7, 2015

I know I've shared

with y'all that a few years back my sweetie asked me to learn how to knit a STOCKING.
His mother has always made these gorgeous heritage Christmas stockings for the family - 
 starting way back in the fifties - with her immediate family
[see Craig's on the left <-->
and knitting one for each family member 
as they came along - 
Here's her most recent one for little Hank
Isn't it adorable?!
Sooooo - I bought myself a 'Teach Yourself to Knit' book at Wal-Mart during the 2009 extended-work-out-of-town period of my life and got to it - I won't lie - it was a hard process, 
and I ended up watching a video or two. 
Turns out - I knit left handed - ha. 
-- Maybe my daddy was right when he said he FORCED me 
to be right-handed -- he was a leftie afterall...
{I love those cast-on instructions up there!}
Back to the point of this post
- I'm selfish. 
And I want our family stockings to stay at my house for as long as I'm able to put them up on the mantle - so I've been mulling an idea around in my head for a year or so -- why not create an original pattern and knit the oldest and sweet dau-law stockings for their own mantle?
 So I did - 
I was pretty sure that I couldn't go wrong 
with a Disney theme - 
I just drew my little mickey heads and wonky stars 
right over a copy of a pattern I had 
[If I'd had small graph paper handy I would've just drawn it on that - and probably will clean it up on that eventually -]
I've knitted at least three Christmas stockings in the last few years [more?] so I know I can get one done in 
just a few weeks if I stay focused on it - 
But I wasn't counting on a couple of long-distance travel trips right in the middle of my prime knitting time - lol,
So I did end up spending an entire day knitting 
while watching holiday TV. 
... with the tiny dog on my lap - Ha.
Also, I knew I wanted my stars to have a 
wonky hand-drawn look to them, 
but, oh my...
In the end they needed a 
few touch-ups here and there. 
But - I'm happy to report that they turned out 
just as I'd envisioned them.
I love everything about them - 
the red - black - and yellow - the wonky stars - the tassels to remind me of fireworks in the park.
Love it.
{Hope it inspires you to do something crafty too!}

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