J: Knitting – I even think about it in my sleep!
C: Fishing – fishing- fishing
Which item from your closet are you wearing most lately?
J: Flip-flops
C: Fishing shorts
What’s for dinner?
J: Bacon and tomato sandwiches – yum!
C: Same
What was the last thing you bought?
J: Spray-on tan ;-D
C: Fishing lures
What are you listening too right now?
J: Rick and Bubba radio show
C: Friends and family sharing a fun hobby
Say something to the person who tagged you?
J: This is fun!
C: Why are you doing this?
Favorite vacation spot?
J: Beach or Disney
C: Same
What are you reading right now?
J: Catching Fireflies by Patsy Clairmont
C: Who has time to read when there’s fish to be caught?
What four words would you use to describe yourself?
J: Friendly, honest, fun, & trustworthy
C: Same
What is your current guilty pleasure?
J: Ice cream
C: Fruit packets
What will be the first spring thing you do?
J: Planted my garden in March – loving having the time to care for it!
C: Check to see if the crappie are biting – and they are!
Where are you planning to travel next?
C: Same
What was the last thing you watched on tv?
J: House
C: Same
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