How do you record different ways that you’re teaching your children about the Lord?
- Using yellow paper as the base, trim two inch strip from striped paper. Adhere approximately one inch from the right side of layout, as shown.
- Trim photo mat [8x6] and circle from red card stock. Adhere photo [7x5] and place all on layout approximately one inch from top and left side of layout.
- Place "Give Thanks" transparency under photo. [Make your won by using any print program: create two text boxes; in one type "Give Thanks" in a large font; in the other type your favorite scripture of thanksgiving in a smaller font. Layer these over each other and print on a transparency or clear sticker sheet. Trim and adhere to layout.
- Trim lined leave paper and adhere under quote. Trim 1/2 inch strip of green paper and place over bottom edge of leaf paper.
- Finish with circle placed to the left of green paper. Hand-write or print date with label maker.
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