Tuesday, December 4, 2007

Agenda for the Week of December 2nd ---

Christmas Music at church [cheesecake and coffee – yum!]: Mug Swap at Bible Study; St. Nicholas Day*;
Matt on Youth Leadership Retreat; and FBP Kits ready to go out.

Do you have a busy week planned also? Consider this devotion from Kathryn Hillen in The Woman’s Devotional Bible,

“I need to slow down. And I’m asking the Lord to help me do it. I want to move slowly enough to be aware of all the joys He has hidden for me. I want to slow down enough to grow as He wants me to grow. I want to be quiet enough to hear His voice. I need His wisdom to know how to spend my time and how to order my days.”

Isaiah 30:15, “In repentance and rest is your salvation, in quietness and trust is your strength.” – Praying that each of you will feel His quietness.

* More to come…

1 comment:

Lisa J. said...

Is that your tree Judy? That is beautiful!